How to save money on insurance in the new year

The new year inspires the optimist in all of us, reminding us to take a fresh look at our lives and goals. As you consider resolutions to improve your finances and lifestyle, keep in mind our tips and tricks for how to save money on insurance in the new year.

Compare your auto insurance

Think of insurance like a game of poker. Insurers are gambling on drivers and know who they’re willing to bet on. There are hundreds of factors that come into play, from age and location to the car you drive and when you last had a claim or a ticket. These things all add up to determine your insurance rates, and every insurance company weighs these factors differently. Comparing plans is the easiest way to save money each month.

Bump up your deductible

Your deductible is what you pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in, and you only pay it in the event you file a related claim. If you are comfortable with that risk, then increasing your deductible is one way you can save money on insurance. However, when it comes to your coverage level, it may be best to play it safe. You may even be surprised how much extra coverage you can get for a little more per month.

Max out your discounts

Did you land a new job? Get married? Clean up your credit report? Purchase a home? Send your kid off to college? If so, it’s time to shop for insurance. Rates change with life events, and you may qualify for new discounts that can save you money each month.

Bundle up this winter, including your policies

Most insurance companies offer discounts if you insure multiple assets with them. So why not capitalize on those savings by bundling your auto insurance policy with your renters or home insurance?

Remember, small savings can really add up. Apply these auto insurance tricks and start off the new year right. Compare free, personalized insurance quotes and find out how to create more freedom in your budget. You can purchase some plans directly online, or over the phone with a licensed agent by calling 1-888-258-5101.

Who is Answer Financial?

As one of the nation’s largest and most reputable auto & home insurance agencies, Answer Financial has insured nearly 5 million homes and vehicles. We work with 40+ top-rated carriers to save our customers an average of $565 a year on insurance.*

Answer Financial can help you compare, buy and often save the smart way on insurance. So before you shop, remember to rely on our insurance experts to find you the right insurance plan for your needs and budget.